The importance of having an excellent quality mattress for a good sleep is undeniable. If you wake up every morning with muscular pains, or if you have difficulty falling asleep because of discomfort, it may be time for you to change your mattress.

But which one to choose? Buying a mattress is a long-term investment that will determine the quality of your sleep for years to come. It is therefore important to take the time to choose the right one. To do so, you must determine the level of firmness, the dimensions and the components that best suit your needs.

How to choose the firmness of your mattress?

The firmness of your new mattress will depend entirely on your weight and its distribution. A heavier, medium-sized person will be more comfortable on a firm mattress that provides firm support. On the other hand, a larger, lighter person will sleep better on a softer mattress, since their weight is distributed over a larger surface.

The firmness of your mattress is the first thing to consider, as it can affect the pressure points on your spine while you sleep. So, you should choose a mattress with good support.

If you are having difficulty determining your optimal firmness level, don't hesitate to ask one of the furniture store employees for advice, who will be happy to help you.

How do I choose the ideal size for a new mattress?

Now that you have determined the firmness of your new mattress, it is time to choose the size. When it comes to size, we recommend that you add at least 15 cm to your own size: you'll be much more comfortable with plenty of leg room.

If you share the bed with your life partner, don't forget to take his or her height into account as well! Also consider the sleeping independence if you sleep together.

As far as width is concerned, you have several choices: from the single bed to the king-size bed, the best thing to do is to go to to see (and try) the different widths available. Otherwise, you can also choose the same width as your previous mattress if it suited you perfectly.

Obviously, the larger the mattress, the more expensive it is: you should therefore choose according to the budget that you are willing to spend. Also, keep in mind that if you choose a larger mattress, you may also have to a new bed.

What about mattress components? How do you choose them?

There aremany mattress technologies available today . Pocket spring mattresses, memory foam mattresses, latex foam mattresses... But the three main types of mattresses are still foam, spring, and latex.

If you're looking to buy anentry-level mattress, you may want to look into polyether foam mattresses. While foam mattresses generally cost less than other types of mattresses, they also have a shorter lifespan.

The spring mattress, on the other hand, has a better lifespan, and it is healthier than the foam mattress, especially with regard to the proliferation of dust mites. On the other hand, it can be noisy with age if it is of lower quality.

Finally, the latex mattress is the most advantageous option, but it is also the most expensive. Very comfortable and with an impressive longevity, the latex mattress remains the ideal investment for those who wish tobenefit from an optimal comfort when resting.

Stop by Casavogue to see our selection of mattresses!

At Casavogue, our priorities are the quality of the productswe sell, and the excellence of our customer service. We have a wide range of mattresses for all tastes and can help you make a wise choice, perfectly suited to your needs.

For any questions regarding the purchase or maintenance of mattresses, do not hesitate to contact us. It will be a pleasure for our team to advise you in order to find the perfect mattress, which will assure you the sleep you deserve.

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